10 Epic Sabbatical Ideas: From Globetrotting to Self-Discovery

vineyard in South Africa

Epic Sabbatical Ideas: Introduction

Your sabbatical year beckons – a blank page in your life story, waiting to be filled with adventure, growth, and perhaps a touch of reinvention. Embarking on a sabbatical year opens the door to experiencing authentic slow travel, but with so many possibilities, where do you begin?

Whether you’re planning a full year off or shorter getaways, maximizing this time is crucial. In this post, we’ll explore 10 ideas for your sabbatical. These suggestions can be used as an idea for your year-long break but can also be adapted for shorter trips.

Housesitting & Petsetting: Living like a Local

This sabbatical year, step away from typical tourist experiences and embrace the unique adventure of house- or pet sitting. Immerse yourself in local communities, living as a resident rather than just a visitor. Picture relaxing on a sunny porch in Bali with a cute dog at your feet or cozying up in a Scottish cottage with a purring cat on your lap, experiencing life as the locals do.

Housesitting offers more than just a stay; it’s a chance to truly connect with the local culture. You might find yourself wandering through bustling markets, blending into the daily life, or enjoying the tranquility of a secluded home surrounded by nature. This experience goes beyond traditional tourism, allowing for genuine interactions, from bonding with pets to sharing moments with neighbors.

Black dog at a lake in Austria

Insider Tips from a Housesitter:

  • Remember, pet care demands commitment. If you plan day trips, consider looking after cats or smaller companions. For longer adventures, housesitting without pets might be a better fit.
  • Officially house sitting can be seen as working in some countries, so remember this when you are entering a different country
  • If you are house sitting in your own country, consider using a platform like Rover.com and get paid to look after pets

Housesitting Platforms and Costs

  • TrustedHousesitters (worldwide): (https://www.trustedhousesitters.com)
    Most popular platform with a large global community. Cost: $169 per year for basic membership, $259 per year for premium membership (includes extra features like 2 airport lounge passes and sit cancellation protection). Get a 25% discount on your membership fee by using the link above.
  • Aussie Housesitters (Australia): (https://www.aussiehousesitters.com.au/) – Specialized platform focused on housesits in Australia. Cost: $84 per year for standard membership, $149 per year for premium membership (includes extra features like video profiles and unlimited applications).
  • MindMyHouse (worldwide): (https://www.mindmyhouse.com/) – Established platform with a strong focus on security and verification. Cost: $29 per year for basic membership, $29 per year for membership.
  • Facebook groups (worldwide): almost all countries have Facebook groups where homeowners post housesits and housesitters can offer their services. Please make sure you do a thorough check on any housesit posts trough Facebook Groups though, since human trafficking is unfortunately a reality in some countries and that risk is a lot higher when using Facebook.

Additional Tips:

  • Read reviews and compare features before signing up.
  • Create a detailed profile and upload high-quality photos, preferably of you with pets
  • Start with local / short / last-minute sits to get your first reviews
    • Apply for sits early, especially during peak seasons.
    • Pay attention to the reviews other housesitters leave for the homeowner. The unwritten rule amongst housesitters on some platforms is to not leave a review for a bad housesit, so pay attention if you see a houseit with a lot of previous sitters, but without reviews.
    • Be clear about your availability and references.
    • Communicate effectively with homeowners
    • Do a videocall beforehand so you can see the house, pets and cleanliness
    • Apply for sits with a personalized message to homeowners

    Work Abroad: Your Skills, Your Playground

    laptop in Swiss mountain

    Forget the cubicle drone back home; your talents are a passport to the world! Blend business with adventure by working freelance remotely from a co-working space in Thailand, sipping piña coladas between meetings.

    Or, teach English abroad sharing your knowledge while immersing yourself in a vibrant new culture. Trade cityscapes for rolling hills and fresh produce with a farm-stay program in New Zealand or Australia.


    Volunteer Your Way through Your Sabbatical

    Forget the predictable tourist traps and curated Instagram feeds. This sabbatical year, trade selfies for purpose and dive headfirst into the world of volunteering.

    Your skills aren’t just baggage; they’re tools, ready to be wielded for positive change.

    Teaching in Nepal, helping out in a wildlife rescue center in Costa Rica or South Africa, the options are endless. 

    This is your chance to be a force for good. Your sabbatical can be a transformative journey, leaving lasting footprints on communities around the globe, and etching stories of purpose onto your own soul. 

    Imagine the quiet satisfaction of nurturing injured animals back to health at a wildlife rehabilitation center abroad, the joy of seeing a child’s excitement as they grasp their first English phrase. These are the souvenirs you’ll carry forever.

    Of course, every adventure has its practicalities. Depending on the project and your skills, covering accommodation and food might be necessary. But remember, volunteering is an investment in yourself and the world, a surprisingly affordable way to travel while leaving a positive footprint.

    So, pack your passion, not your selfie stick, and embark on a sabbatical that will paint your story with the vibrant colors of purpose and leave you forever changed. 

    Cost: Free / from $700 USD per week (excluding flights)


    General Platforms:

    • Volunteer World: A platform with thousands of volunteer programs in over 130 countries, covering diverse areas like education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development. (https://www.volunteerworld.com/)
    • Go Overseas: Specializes in international volunteer programs and internships, including teaching, working with NGOs, and wildlife conservation projects. (https://www.gooverseas.com/)
    • Idealist: Connects volunteers with opportunities in various causes, including animal welfare, human rights, social justice, and environmental protection. (https://www.idealist.org/en)
    • Worldpackers: Focuses on cultural exchange through volunteering opportunities with hostels, eco-lodges, and local communities worldwide (https://www.worldpackers.com/)


    • GoAbroad: Provides a variety of teaching programs and resources for finding work at international schools, universities, and language institutes. (https://www.goabroad.com/)
    • International TEFL Academy: Offers TEFL certifications and job placement assistance for those interested in teaching English abroad. (https://www.internationalteflacademy.com/)

      Specific Areas:

      •  World Wildlife Fund (WWF): Offers volunteer opportunities for conservation projects in various locations around the world. (https://www.worldwildlife.org/)
      • United Nations Volunteers (UNV): Connects volunteers with UN agencies and development programs worldwide. (https://www.unv.org/)

      Unleash Your Creativity at Dedicated Retreats

      Silence your inner critic and set your creativity free this sabbatical year. It’s more than just visiting places; it’s about enriching your artistic soul in creative retreats.

      Imagine writing your novel on a Grecian clifftop, the Aegean Sea humming below. Or, paint the Tuscan landscapes, brush in hand, as vineyards bask in sunlight.

      Creative retreats are not just breaks; they’re sources of inspiration, reigniting your creative spark.

      Participate in workshops led by expert instructors. Connect with fellow creatives, sharing stories and inspiration, forging a community of shared passion. These retreats offer peaceful sanctuaries, free from digital distractions, where nature’s beauty and tranquility fuel your creativity.

      Step away from daily life and immerse in the transformative power of these retreats. It’s not just about creating art; it’s about reconnecting with your inner artist.

      Let your sabbatical be a journey of creative rediscovery.

      Cost-wise, options vary. Research retreats that align with your interests and skill level, from beginner to advanced, to find the perfect fit for your creative journey.

      Embrace the Freedom of the Open Road with a Road Trip

      Road in South Africa with a view of the mountains

      Skip the usual vacation plans and take a road trip this sabbatical year! Discover the joy of exploring at your own pace, from the grand American landscapes to Scotland’s mystical Highlands.

      Imagine cruising down California’s sunny highways with the Pacific Ocean as your companion, or meandering through Tuscany’s ancient villages amidst the aroma of olive groves. Picture yourself in Namibia, camping under stars and listening to the wild.

      Find hidden waterfalls, quaint cafes, and bustling local markets. These experiences go beyond any guidebook. If you’re budget-conscious, a road trip in Portugal or Eastern Europe offers stunning, affordable adventures.

      For a wilder experience, consider Namibia, South Africa, or Botswana. Watch elephants, climb Sossusvlei’s red dunes, or see whales off South Africa’s coast.

      Considering that roadtrip in South Africa? Read more information about traveling to this amazing country in the articles:

      Forget detailed itineraries. Let the journey be your guide and create unforgettable memories, one mile at a time.

      Trek the Distance: Walking Your Way to Transformation

      trail and mountains

      Ditch the treadmill for the great outdoors. Long-distance trails are not just physical challenges; they’re journeys to inner discovery.

      Envision the historic Camino de Santiago’s cobblestones or the breathtaking views of the Pacific Crest Trail. These trails are more than treks; they’re spiritual journeys offering peace amidst life’s chaos.

      Your journey’s rhythm soothes the mind as vast landscapes expand your perspective. Embrace the physical strains as badges of honor. Return stronger, with a renewed sense of purpose and tranquility.

      Master the Wilderness: Unleashing Your Inner MacGyver


      Forget Instagram filters, embrace the raw beauty of survival. Unleash your inner MacGyver by learning skills that empower you anywhere. 

      During my own sabbatical I went to South Africa, to do a year-long field guide course. Swapping technology for campfire stories, I bonded with fellow students under the vast African sky.

      Learning about local flora and fauna, I felt a profound connection to the natural world.

      While becoming a field guide wasn’t my main goal, the experience was priceless. It taught me resilience, resourcefulness, and the profound joy of living simply. 


      From week-long wilderness survival courses to year-long programs delving into specific skills, the world is your classroom. Whether it’s tracking wild animals in Namibia, building fires with friction in Patagonia, or identifying edible plants in the Scottish Highlands, these experiences will leave you feeling empowered and connected.

      Kickstart your Online Business

      laptop on a beach

      Use your sabbatical to kickstart your online business. It’s more than a break; it’s your chance to build a community and earn while traveling. Your travel experiences could evolve into a full-time venture.

      The digital nomad life is a practical choice for many, leveraging technology to work from anywhere. Share your travel insights, capture beautiful landscapes, or teach online courses. There’s an audience for your unique perspective.

      Success in this lifestyle requires discipline and creativity. You’ll master storytelling, social media, and community engagement. The payoff? Freedom, flexibility, and the joy of turning your passion into a profitable business.

      Learn a New Language

      Port in portugal with a view

      Skip the textbooks and dive into the lively experience of learning a foreign language.

      Picture yourself in Paris, confidently ordering your breakfast in French, asking for a gelato in Italian, or bargaining in Moroccan markets with your new language skills, opening doors to different cultures and experiences.

      Language is a tool for understanding, empathy, and connection. Whether for reconnecting with your roots, exploring new places, or mental stimulation, language immersion is a journey of self-discovery.

      Yes, trying to speak a different languange can feel daunting at first, but embrace the initial challenges. Soon, you’ll be connecting with locals, and have the satisfaction of mastering a valuable skill.

      Round-the-World Ticket: Embrace Uncharted Horizons

      airplanes during sunset

      This sabbatical, skip the usual tours and opt for a round-the-world ticket. Let your curiosity be your guide to unexplored destinations.

      Imagine transitioning from Tokyo’s neon-lit streets to the historic depths of Rome’s Colosseum, each location painting your unique journey.

      Experience Bali’s beaches and the lively markets of Marrakech, where every experience is a new story.

      Start your days in diverse settings, from a traditional Japanese ryokan to a cafe in Paris, and swap Bangkok’s bustling markets for the serenity of a Himalayan monastery.

      Budget for this global journey, as round-the-world tickets can range from $3000 to $5000 USD.

      Plan wisely, considering more affordable destinations like Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, where your money goes further.

      If you’re drawn to New Zealand’s fjords, Swiss chalets, or Australia’s Outback, be ready for higher expenses. Every dollar spent enriches your memories for a lifetime.


      A sabbatical offers an unparalleled chance to break free from the everyday and embrace a world of new experiences. The ten sabbatical ideas discussed provide a range of options for personal growth, adventure, and learning.

      From peaceful meditation retreats to adventurous treks, and cultural immersions to educational experiences, each idea is an opportunity for significant personal transformation. A sabbatical is more than a mere break; it’s a journey into new perspectives, skills, and self-discovery.

      Think about what excites and inspires you. Your sabbatical is a unique opportunity to explore, recharge, and grow. It’s not just an escape from routine, but a step towards a richer life. Embrace this chance with enthusiasm and an open mind. Your unforgettable sabbatical journey is just waiting to begin.

      FAQs Sabbatical Ideas

      What should you do on a sabbatical?

      Use your sabbatical to explore new interests, travel, learn a skill, volunteer, or work on personal projects. It’s a time for growth and exploration.

      What can I do with 6 months off work?

      In six months, you could travel extensively, start a course, write a book, volunteer abroad, or even start a small business. It’s ample time for significant activities.

      What would a person usually do on a sabbatical?

      Typically, people travel, study, take up hobbies, volunteer, or work on personal or professional development during a sabbatical.

      How do I plan a sabbatical?

      Start by setting goals, budgeting, discussing with your employer, planning logistics like accommodation and travel, and preparing for your return.

      How do you rest on a sabbatical?

      Balance activities with relaxation. Include downtime, engage in stress-relief activities like yoga or meditation, and take time to reflect.

      How did you spend your sabbatical?

      I personally have done (or am still doing) the following:

      • Did a year-long field guide course in South Africa.
      • Spent 3 months working as a volunteer in a wildlife rehabilitation center in South Africa.
      • Took a 3 month road trip through Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.
      • Spent a few months on a road trip in Europe, doing house sitting along the way.
      • Started a new online business.

      Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links. I earn a commission when you purchase a product, at no additional cost to you. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site online.


      Written by Stefanie

      I'm Stefanie, your adventurer-in-chief at She Roams Free, and solo travel enthusiast. The world has been my playground since I first hopped on a plane from my home in the Netherlands to South Africa by myself, way back in 2002. Solo travel has been my preferred way to see the world ever since, with South Africa, Namibia and Botswana being my favorite destinations. It has been a baptism by bushveld, a crash course in self-reliance, and a love affair with the unknown. My goal is to inspire other solo female travelers through my stories, and provide tips to explore the world safely and experience the same freedom!

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